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Why You Should Get Rid of That Tree Stump

By Advance Tree Pros

Tree removal in Orlando is easy and hassle free when you know who to call. While trees are beautiful, add property value, provide oxygen, and shade they sometimes can become hazardous and even dangerous when not cared for properly. If you’ve already had a tree cut down in the past, or maybe your property came with the stump, you don’t have to live with the stump. Tree stumps aren’t as dangerous as dangling branches and dying trees, but they do pose their own set of problems and aren’t something you need to keep. So, why should you get rid of that stump?

Stumps Prevent New Tree Growth

Tree stump removalSometimes leaving a stump behind can contribute to new sprouts which may result in many small trees growing around the stump. This is not very pretty and can be costly to remove because the new shoots may keep coming back. Eventually, you may need chemicals to kill them off completely. The small trees leech nutrients from other plants nearby so your flowers or even other trees may not get the nutrients they need to be great.

Stumps are Hazardous

Tree stump removal in Orlando isn’t just about aesthetics, it’s also about safety. Children are especially prone to tripping over stumps in the yard. As well as new neighbors or visitors and the elderly. Stumps aren’t always as visible as other greenery in your yard. Also, you could potentially run over it with your lawn mower and damage the blades or motor.

Increase Curb Appeal

Tree stumps are somewhat of an eyesore. Not only for you but for your neighbors as well. They don’t add any benefit and often attract bugs and other insects. They prevent you from planting something pretty and beneficial to the yard. If you live in a neighborhood with an HOA you may be required to remove the stump as a part of the HOA’s policy in keeping your yard maintained and well-manicured.

Maximize Your Yard Space

Tree stumps can be quite large. This means that they can take up a lot of space in your front, back, or side yard. If you have a large yard, you probably don’t think about what one little stump can do as far as maximizing the yard space. However, if you have a yard that’s on the smaller side, you would regain a lot of your yard back by removing the stump. This newfound space could house new outdoor furniture, a garden, or a baby pool for pets.

Stumps Attract Insects

Tree Removal in OrlandoA stump will decay. It’s not a live tree. It takes a long time for a stump to completely rot away. And in that time, your stump will attract a host of beetles, termites, ants, and other wood-boring pests. While you might not care much about those pests being in your yard, eventually they will make their way into your home. Termites are especially common in homes with rotting stumps. Tree stump removal in Orlando is the easy choice when you’re comparing that to termite removal.

Tree Removal in Orlando

We believe that tree removal should be fast, professional, and most of all affordable. There is no tree that is too big or too awkward for us to handle. Our team of highly skilled professionals never backs down from a challenge. We also believe in offering 100% recycling services so your tree stump or tree is never wasted.

Taking care of a tree is a little bit more work than people realize and sometimes you inherit a tree that’s already long gone. Whether you have a tree or a stump that needs to be removed for whatever reason, we’re the ones to call. While you may be able to do some of the trees or stump removals on your own, there are plenty of jobs that do require our professional services.

Our rule of thumb is always: if you can’t keep both feet on the ground, call us. We can come and give you a free quote to determine the time and price it would take to remove your tree or stump. Don’t hesitate! You deserve to have a yard that you love and can enjoy safely.