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Best Tree Removal Service in Longwood old

Longwood Tree Removal

When you need to remove a tree from your home or commercial property, you don’t want to wait. Our team can help with residential Longwood tree removal or commercial tree removal. We won’t ruin your lawn thanks to our tree removal process:

  • Before deciding to remove a tree, one of our team members will take a look to determine if we can save it.
  • If the tree can be saved, we do the trimming, pruning and fertilizing necessary to bring it back to health.
  • If the tree can’t be saved, we quote you for a tree removal service.
  • When it comes time to remove the tree, our team uses a crane to carefully lift up and remove the tree, minimizing the risk of property damage.


man removing tree

Are your trees showing any of these signs? If so, give us a call: 

  • Infection: cracks, misshapen or discolored leaves, and fungi growth are a few signs that your tree might be infected.
  • Large, dead branches. 
  • Sudden, new leaning.
  • Growing too close to power lines or within 20 feet of buildings.

As a team of certified arborists, Advance Tree Pros takes everything into consideration. We work to preserve the environment and only remove trees when totally necessary. Our safe and efficient residential Longwood tree removal and commercial tree removal services help create a safer environment for our Central Florida neighbors. 

Call us for a free estimate at (407) 960-4893.

Tree removal process
Advance Tree Pros
Tree removal
Remove the tree
tree removal
Longwood Tree Removal​
Best Tree Removal Service
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